Replying to Naruto 510 Spoiler N°1, NARUTO -ナルト- 510スポイラー
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Last 10 Posts [ In reverse order ]
Davi 90Posted: 17/9/2010, 15:28
Insomma Naruto penso che debba concludere al più presto, perchè ha iniziato a rompere.
NaRuTo * SaSuKePosted: 17/9/2010, 11:40
però avendo letto il capitolo... mi è sembrato di capire che nagato(o yahiko non mi ricordo) faceva parte del clan uzumaki.. o sbaglio? :fuma:
xPaiNxPosted: 16/9/2010, 20:27
insomma questo capitolo ha creato alti interrogativi...
Kakashi HatakePosted: 16/9/2010, 19:59
ho letto il capitolo non so se dire bello o brutto :o_o: viene spigato troppo poco
NaRuTo * SaSuKePosted: 16/9/2010, 19:16
Mooolto interessante!
xPaiNxPosted: 14/9/2010, 16:59
sembra interessante, se è vero....
Kakashi HatakePosted: 14/9/2010, 16:32
Naruto 510 Spoiler N°1

Ecco qua il primo spoiler riguardante il capitolo 510 del Manga Naruto serializzato in Giappone dal Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto sul Magazine Weekly Shonen Jump di Sueisha.
Lo Spoiler contiene testo in giapponese e la traduzione in inglese.
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Edit: Aggiunta un immagine!
Cliccate su leggi il resto per il tutto.

Ecco qua:


コナン 時空間忍術は失敗のようね ただアナタの隣にいたわけじゃない
(あなたは己を吸い込む時 必ず実体化する そしてそれは自分以外のものをすいこむときより遅い)
マダラ 時空間で飛ぶのを辞めて 爆発をすり抜けるほうげシフトしなければ 確かにヤバかったかもな
(周りは起爆札… うかつに時空間はできない)

コナン (そしてマダラが物質をすり抜けていられる時間は約5分)

コナン あなたを殺すために用意した6千億枚の起爆札… 10分間起爆し続ける

(コナンちょっと回想)マダラ 暁を弥彦に立ち上げるようにしむけたのはオレだ
弥彦も長門も己で動いた!彼らはアナタのコマなんかじゃない! そんな形であれ己の意思で戦って死んだ!
だからこそ その意志は繋がっている!! 邪魔はさせない!!

起爆終わりコナン座り込む コナンの髪の紙飾りが崩れる
コナン (神の紙者の術がとけた ここまでのチャクラが必要になるとはおもわなかったけど これで)
マダラは 確実に
マダラ背後から 死んだかな?


息絶え絶えコナン どうして確実に死んだはず なんどもシュミレーションして この手順ならアナタを倒せるはずなのに
マダラ イザナギ… 光を失うことと引き換えに幻と現実を繋げる事のできる うちはの禁術…
うちはと千手… この両方の力を持つ者だけが許される瞳術!
コナン うしはと千手の両方… ? それは 六道の力 アナタには そんな力は…
マダラ かつての仲間 そのよしみとして少しオレの術と オレ自身について教えてやろう
イザナギとは本来お前の言う 六道仙人の 万物創造 を応用した術の事だ もともとうちはと千手
その二つの始祖である六道仙人は その二つの血と力を持ち あらゆるものをつくった
想像を司る精神エネルギーを元とする 陰遁 の力 それを使って無から形を造り 
生命を司る身体エネルギーを元とする 陽遁 の力 それをつかって形に命を吹き込む
尾獣達もその一つ… 十尾のチャクラから 陽陰遁(おんみょうとん)を使い各尾獣を創造した
想像と生命を具現化する術  それが イザナギ
コナン アナタは 一体何者なの?
マダラ うちはマダラは世間で千手柱間に負けたとされている… しかして真実はどうなのか?勝者とは先を見据えた者…
本当の勝負はこれから… かつての戦いは奴の力を手に入れるためのもの オレは千手柱間の力を手に入れた うちはマダラ
二人目を六道にして 今は唯一の存在 柱間の力を制御できずに不完全なイザナギを披露した輩は数いたが…

コナン マダラから離れる

マダラ そろそろ長門に会えそうだな 向こうに行ったら二人で後悔するといい… ナルトの戯言に乗せられたことを
本当の平和などない! 希望など有りはしない! 長門はナルトを信じてる事で哀れだった自分を慰めたかっただけだ

コナン(! おれはまさか… )雨が小雨になる
回想 弥彦 長門はあいつは平和への架け橋になる男だ オレの役目はその橋を支える柱になることだ
長門 平和への架け橋は彼だよ 彼の意志そのものがね オレノ役目はここまでのようだ… ナルト… お前だったら本当に…

マダラやむことのない雨隠れの雨が… どういうことだ?

コナン立ち上がり 弥彦!長門!彼らの意志は消えない!私もナルトを信じてる!今度は彼が
コナン 平和への架け橋になる男だと!! そして私はそのための柱となる!!!
(ありがとう長門… 死んでなお私に希望をくれて!)私は散ってもいい花!ここでアナタを

マダラ コナンの首掴む お前は俺の事を闇だといったな ならオレがお前を枯れさせてやる そして七色に輝くこの虹の
架け橋とやらも闇の中に消してやろう 幻術をかけ終わった時お前も終わる 輪廻眼の場所を吐かせてからだがな…


マダラ ここか…
長門の隣に座るマダラ お前は三人目の六道… うずまき一族末裔の証である赤い髪が白に変色するほどの力を…


Madara falls down into Konan's paper.
He holds his mask and tries to use his space-time [ninjutsu], but the exploding fuda among Kona's paper prevent Madara from doing so.

Konan: "it seems the space-time ninjutsu was a failure. It seems you cannot [teleport] anything other than what is directly besides you."
(if you want to teleport yourself, you have to materialise. it also goes slower than when you teleport something other than yourself)
Madara: "I have to stop teleporting. If i won't be able to slip through the explosion, things will be dangerous indeed."
(There are exploding fuda all around me... I can't carelessly teleport)
Konan: (Madara can slip through materials for a time period of approximately five minutes.)

The paper starts covering Madara
Konan: "In order to kill you, I prepared six hundred billion exploding fuda... They will continue to explode for ten minutes."
Inside the explosion..
(Konan has a small flashback)
Madara: "I was the one who induced Yahiko to start Akatsuki and I was also the one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan."
Yahiko and Nagato moved on their own! They weren't just shōgi pieces! Even if they were like that, I will fight and die with this intention! That is why this will is tied together!! It will not be hindered!!
When the explosion ends, Konan sits down. The paper decoration in her hair crumbles.
Konan: (The Paper Person of God Technique is coming apart. I used more chakra then I expected up till now, but with this...)
"Madara is certainly—"

Madara from behind her: "—Dead?"

In a special place, Yahiko and Nagato rest among paper flowers.
The paper flowers decorating them crumble...

Madara: "To the world, Uchiha Madara lost to Senju Hashirama... but what is the truth? The victor is the person looking forward... The true victory and defeat come after this... The battle back then was to gain that person's power. I am Uchiha Madara, holding the power of Senju Hashirama. To become the second Rikudō, that is my sole existence now. There were a few others who displayed imperfect Izanagi because they couldn't control Hashirama's power, but..."

Konan goes away from Madara

Madara: "it looks like you're quietly going to Nagato. If you go there, you'll both regret it. That nonsense you got from Naruto isn't true peace or something like that! there is no hope or anything! Nagato believed in Naruto, merely to comfort his miserable self, is all."
Konan (! Impossible, I...) The rain turns into drizzle
Yahiko: Nagato is the man who will become the bridge to peace. My duty is to be the pillar that supports that bridge.
Nagato: The bridge to peace is he.. It is his will itself. My duty only goes up till here... Naruto... If it's you, really...

Madara: The ceaseless Amegakure rain is... What is this?

Konan stands up. "Yahiko! Nagato! Your will will not vanish! I too believe in Naruto! This time, he"
(the sky clears up and the sun appears together with a rainbow)
Konan: "He is the man who will become a bridge to peace!! And for that, I will become a pillar!!!"
(Thank you Nagato... Even when you're dead, you still give me hope!)
I am a blossom that is fine with falling! Here, you will...

Konan raises both her hands and her paper forms a circle.
Madara grabs Konan's neck. "you said I was darkness, right? In that case, i'll make you wither. And I'll make that rainbow bridge, sparkling in seven colours, disappear into darkness as well. The moment this genjutsu I cast ends, you will end as well. After you told me where the Rinnegan is, though..."

Konan loses conciousness.
Madara: "There...?'
Yahiko's and Nagato's corpses are in a place resembling a temple?
Madara sits next to Nagato. "You are the third Rikudō... [Holding] a power so strong, it was even able to turn your red hair, proof of your Uzumaki clan lineage, into white...
You turned traitor and yet you still smile...?"

Nagato smiles with the will for creating peace..

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